5 Days (£1,050.00 + VAT)

In order to legally recover F-gas (fluorinated greenhouse gas) from transport/cargo refrigerated systems, all technicians must have achieved (as a minimum requirement) a refrigerant handling qualification, meeting the EU F-gas regulations.

This Award is made up of one unit that covers topics derived from the European Union F-gas regulations (Commission Regulation EC 842/2006 and the later Annex to Commission Regulation EC 307/2008).

Who is it suitable for?
The purpose and aim of this qualification is to qualify individuals (working with automotive refrigerated cargo systems) to meet the European Union F-gas regulations (Commission Regulation EC 842/2006).
This qualification is also suitable for competent cargo refrigeration technicians who have completed a previous qualification (including ‘in-house’ training). Individuals must have a good understanding of components and system operation, to carry out procedures relating to air conditioning systems.

New EU F-Gas Regulation (517/2014) replaces the 2006 regulation and came into force January 2015.
F-Gas Regulation Guidance http://www.gluckmanconsulting.com/f-gas-information-sheets
Guidance for users, producers and traders http://www.gov.uk/government/collections/eu-f-gas-regulation-guidance-for-users-producers-and-traders

Entry Requirements
The selection criteria for entry should take into account each applicant’s existing academic/vocational qualifications and experience. Individuals should already have a basic knowledge of the operation of goods chilling and freezing systems containing fluorinated greenhouse gases in automotive refrigerated cargo systems; the environmental impact of fluorinated greenhouse gas refrigerants; the corresponding environmental regulations; and procedures for environment friendly recovery of fluorinated greenhouse gases.

Learners must achieve all the learning outcomes by completing the underpinning knowledge assessment criteria consisting of:

  • Practical assessment
  • Online test

Achievement of this qualification allows experienced technicians (working with automotive refrigerated cargo systems) to continue to practice.


Course Dates: 

See F-Gas Cat 1 Course dates