Mobile Car and Vehicle Air Conditioning Repairs and Services South Wales
Red Dragon Air Conditioning Ltd provides service and repairs to all automotive air conditioning systems including Car’s, Van’s, Trucks, Agricultural, Plant, Buses, Marine and Aircraft systems.
We are specialists in automotive air conditioning systems and can offer very competitive prices on all automotive air conditioning parts, supplies and service equipment. Please note that any system that is found to be empty on initial inspection, will require pressure testing before the system will be re-charged with refrigerant. This is to assure, as far as possible, there are no signs of leakage. If the system indicates a leakage, no matter how small, the leak will need to be located and repaired prior to re-charging the system.
Mobile Vehicle Air Conditioning Repairs
Our current service prices for automotive systems are as follows:
Cars & Vans
- Basic Re-Gas for cars (up to 700g R134a) = £65.00
- Basic Re-Gas for cars (700g – 1kg R134a) = £75.00
- Basic Re-Gas for cars/vehicles (over 1kg of R134A) = Call for a quote
- Basic re-gas for (up to 500g) R1234yf = £140.00
- Ultra Violet Dye (additive) = £10.00
- Leak Stopper – New oil based additive which does not cause damage to the system compressor other vulnerable working parts = R134A £50.00 R1234yf £60.00
- Odour Removal – Removes unhealthy odours and kills 99.9% of viruses (Including COVID 19, SARS – Covid 2) = £40.00
- Vehicle Interior Odour Removal – such as spilt milk, dog and cigarette odours can be eliminated using ‘Ozone Creation Technology = £40.00
- Leak Detection / Fault Diagnosis Service = £70.00/hour + VAT

- Basic Re-gas up to 1.0kg = £120.00
- Basic re-gas up to 2.0kg = £160.00
Agriculture & Plant Equipment
- Basic re-gas up to 1.0kg = £120.00
- Basic re-gas up to 2.0kg = £180.00
- Basic re-gas up to 3.0kg = £240.00
Please call for a quotation
Due to the negative effects that refrigerants have on the environment and their impact on climate change, manufacturer’s have replaced the existing refrigerant (R134a) with a more environmentally friendly refrigerant known as R1234yf and income cases R744 (CO2).
At present, the new R1234yf refrigerant is very expensive when compared with R134a and there are also concerns with the flammability levels in certain concentrations.
Existing recovery and service equipment is not suitable for use with this refrigerant and should therefore not be used. Specialist equipment is now required by service engineers and the refrigerant must be analysed before being recovered into the service station. Failure to do so could spread the contaminated waste refrigerant to other vehicles that are connected to the service station and may well result in some very expensive repair costs for the customer.

Red Dragon Air Conditioning is now equipped with the very latest R744 (CO2) Air Conditioning Service Station to provide service and repairs to customers with vehicles using R744 in their vehicle air conditioning systems.
Please call for details
Red Dragon Air Conditioning Ltd can provide customers and dealerships with service and training for R1234yf Mobile Air Conditioning Systems as required.