About stevefisher

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So far stevefisher has created 2 blog entries.

Transport/Cargo Refrigerant Handling

5 Days (£1,050.00 + VAT) In order to legally recover F-gas (fluorinated greenhouse gas) from transport/cargo refrigerated systems, all technicians must have achieved (as a minimum requirement) a refrigerant handling qualification, meeting the EU F-gas regulations. This Award is made up of one unit that covers topics derived from the European Union F-gas regulations (Commission [...]

By |2023-02-28T20:57:11+00:00December 18th, 2021|Mobile Air Conditioning|0 Comments

F Gas Renewal

3-Days £675.00 + VATChanges to the original F Gas Regulation 'EC 842/2006' have now been released in the updated version of the F Gas Regulation 'EC517/2014'Areas of the original regulations which had been identified as either vague or weak by the UK industry, have now been accepted within the 'New F Gas Regulation'. This is [...]

By |2025-02-07T13:06:35+00:00December 6th, 2019|fgas|Comments Off on F Gas Renewal
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